Tuesday, March 3, 2009


It's funny.
Latley all I want to do is sleep.
Sleep and smoke.
Smoke and sleep.
Beacuse everything else just gets me nowhere.
And I wante to think that one day he would find me.
Just beacuse when your not looking its supposed to look for you, find you.
Beaucse thats what everyone tells you.

Knock and you will receive Knock and the door shall open.
Well I've been knocking.

If your out there. You'd really be a great help. I need you rite now.
I need you.
I wouldnt ask you unless I needed you...and I do.
Beacuse all around me they are blooming and they are blosseming. But I am, stunted and I am scared. So if you are out there. Come.
Answer my call.
I'm to proud to look for you
And I'm to proud to admit I was wrong. To admit that its not fair.
That he's happy. That I'm not. That i'm loosing. This has all really just smacked me in the face. and I can't take it.
Once more Hello, if you are out there. If you are there. Please come to me. Come be with me. Beacse I need you beacuse I want you.....

maybe you are there....and maybe it's to far to gong.
and maybe this....
I'm not sure.
I'm not sure.
I'm not sure
I'm sad.

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